Scenar Therapy is a form of bio-energy medicine invented by Russian scientists, which is very effective in relieving pain.
Using a simple 9-volt battery the Scenar device works by stimulating the brain with a constant varying signal. The brain tends to become tolerant to a disease, but the Scenar device can stimulate it to generate neuropeptides within the body, which are needed to complete recovery. The Scenar is unique in it has computer controlled biofeedback capabilities, i.e.. The devise communicates with the brain.
The device itself is a small machine about the size as a TV remote control, which is placed on the skin so that a tingling sensation can be felt by the patient.
Scenar is very effective in relieving all types of pain, both chronic and acute. Acute pain, for example a sports injury, usually responds immediately and is resolved in just two to four sessions.
Chronic conditions may require more.
In the UK, Scenar is licensed by the British Standards Institute for pain relief only.
However, the Russian experience suggests that it can be effective for a very broad range of diseases, including diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculo-skeletal, urinary, reproductive and nervous systems.
It has been found beneficial for
* burns
* fractures
* insect bites
* allergic reactions
* diseases of the blood
* and disorders involving the immune mechanisms
* endocrine
* nutritional and metabolic disorders;
* stress
* depression
* managing ENT diseases
* eye diseases
* skin conditions and dental problems.
Research in Russia has found that Scenar vastly reduces recovery times from many types of injury and speeds up healing of acute illnesses.
This has been used with a great degree of success and fits in very well with my traditional treatments.
"I have been a patient of John's for over 10 years. He has helped my various ailments with acupuncture and massage. The best part of the treatment is that I come away feeling relaxed and stress free."
Liz Anderson